Title:please can you help
Name:Mr. A. ciric [2023-04-10]
Message contents:Mr.A.Ciric e-mail address is cosworthac@gmail.com tele number is engl 441782 397964 or 07902194392 Thank you
Title:please can you help
Name:Mr. A. ciric [2023-04-10]
Message contents:I have br new superjack
V-BOX II 99 memories if i connect it to my superjack SMR-1224 EL it will blow up due to the motor output voltage being 46 volts not 36 volts across the sensoralso 46 volts not 5 volts cchecked everything, all parts are ok this leads me to beleave faulty mamufacturing of the board that there is a no way you can get 5 volts on the sensors 36 volts on the motor from the terminals s/n 0304016305 its now out of warranty if you cannot help please can you supply the schematics.thank you for any help
Title:Super jack 36v 24 inch
Name:Mario Grech [2023-03-21]
Message contents:Dear sir I would like to buy a linear actuators kindly quote price postage to Malta by tracking minimum order quantity thanks for your help best regards Mario
Title:I need a replacement part
Name:Justin [2023-01-29]
Message contents:Part number 716A0-0000001
Serial number L000031520070569
Name:sav@axess-automatisme.fr [2022-08-26]
Message contents:Bonjour,
je cherche un verindc24v 2.5a
stroke 110mm
speed 11mm/sec max
motor type 3423
part n°g61655-1102000
serial n°l000120220080004
jaeger industrial co ltd
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